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Resource Mapping Hawai'i (RMH) has been a leading provider of aerial imagery and geospatial solutions in the state of Hawai'i since 2008. This business started as a very small group of scientists focused on solving problems related to mapping and monitoring remote and rugged landscapes. This simple beginning has guided our process as we have grown to incorporate new markets and strategies. We are committed to high quality products and services that range from conservation to engineering projects and everything in between. We focus on supporting our clients to the best of our knowledge, helping them to find the best solutions to their stated needs.

Management Team

Stephen Ambagis

Stephen Ambagis has over 10 years of experience in landscape ecology, GIS and remote sensing. He has worked on a wide variety of international development, natural resource management and conservation projects in Niger, Ghana, Guinea, India, Indonesia, Mexico, mainland US and throughout Hawai'i. Based in Kea'au on the Big Island of Hawai'i, Stephen is a pilot, and manages the RMH Cessna 206.

Dana Slaymaker

Dana Slaymaker has 30 years of experience in aerial imagery applications throughout South and Central America, Mexico, the mainland US, Europe, Africa and the Pacific islands region. In addition to providing mapping and monitoring services to educational institutions, consulting firms and government agencies, he has also established in-house aerial photography and image processing capacities for non-profit organizations that need low-cost monitoring technologies. Dana is based out of Turner Falls, Massachusetts.

Miguel Castrence

Miguel Castrence has over 10 years of experience with remote sensing and GIS for both terrestrial and marine conservation. He has worked in community agroforestry in Honduras, participatory mapping in the Philippines, coral reef remote sensing in Australia and land use/land cover change analyses in Vietnam. Based in Honolulu, Miguel focuses on flight planning, image acquisition/analysis and research and development for mapping with UAS.


Partners - Simplex
Partners - HIsight

HIsight is a Hawai'i-based company that specializes in the development and operation of UAS for large-scale mapping in remote areas.


The founder, Iam Bouret, is also an airline captain who has been flying professionally for over 20 years. He has an extensive and diverse aviation background including hang gliding, experimental aircraft, single and multi-engine GA aircraft, and type ratings in Boeing B757/767 and Airbus A330. Iam has been building and flying RC models recreationally for over 30 years. He has been designing, building, and flying autonomous and semi-autonomous model aircraft since 2012. He is an active participant and beta flight tester for the open source Ardupilot project that operates the popular Pixhawk autopilot system. Iam has volunteered his skills as an expert UAS builder and operator for mapping projects with the University of Hawai'i and California State University, Long Beach. In the wake of typhoon Yolanda, Iam was brought to the Philippines to train a UAS team at Aklan University for the disaster relief effort. Today, Captain Bouret continues to incorporate his airline operations knowledge to develop and train safe and redundant procedures for UAS.


In 2015, RMH began a partnership with HIsight to expand our toolkit of mapping technologies. Together we collaborate in designing low-cost, reliable UAS that can handle the challenging conditions of wind shear, extreme terrain, persistent cloud cover and limited landing areas in the remote, rugged valleys of the Hawaiian islands.




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Remote Sensing & GIS 

It's Our Nature!

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